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Verse of the Week

Psalm 56:3

“When I am afraid,  I put my trust in you.”

During your engagement you probably planned, prepared, and longed for your wedding day. There is so much excitement that goes into planning a wedding, but at the same time, there can also be many different fears when planning for this big day. How will the weather be? Will everything go as planned? What will it be like?

Just like with planning a wedding, planning for your birth can be exciting. You plan who will be there, what to pack in your bag, what to expect.

Months (sometimes years) of planning and preparing typically go into putting a wedding together, just like birth. With your birth, however, you have no idea when it will actually be. There is all this anticipation and excitement and waiting, but the when is usually unknown.

For a planner like me, this is so HARD. I like to know details, and the end of pregnancy can be a true challenge, with fear and anxiety.

I am sure you have your own great moments of being afraid or anxious, and if you are expecting a baby, I am sure you could muster up a long list of things to be afraid of. When these fears arise, we can put our trust in Him.

Psalm 56:3

“When I am afraid,  I put my trust in you.”

Afraid: “feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. worried that something undesirable will occur or be done.”

If you are in the waiting right now, whether it’s for a baby to come, a pregnancy to begin, or even just waiting for the next step in life, I hope this verse and the song below encourage your heart.

“What will it look like? 
What will it be like?
When my world turns out like You planned
When will I get there? 
Feels like I’m nowhere
My dreams are like dust in my hand
But I know This is the waiting
I anxiously wait
As I hold on to love that won’t ever let go
And in these times when my patience is tested
Won’t you remind me that I’m not alone
Here in the waiting
The waiting 
All of the questions, secret confessions
Lord You’ll make sense of it all
And I know You’ll show up
So I’m letting go of these these thoughts that are taking control 
This is the waiting
I anxiously wait
As I hold on to love that won’t ever let go
And in these times when my patience is tested
Won’t you remind me that I’m not alone
Here in the waiting
The waiting Oh, and I know
I know this is the waiting 
And in these times when my patience is tested
You are the love that will never let go
Here in the waiting
The waiting
So I’ll be here waiting
Believing you’ll never let go”

The Waiting by Jamie Grace

Download and Print this weeks Printable or save the iPhone Lock Screen.

Trust VOW iPhone Screen


Surrender Birth, Trust, Christian Childbirth, Verse of the Week

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