Trust: Proverbs 3:5-6
It’s an easy thing to do when things are going according to my plan. When birth unfolds just as we expect and life seems to go according to plan, it’s easy.
I can trust then. It is easy for me to believe that He is good, and His plan is good. As long as it matches my plan.
Trust begins to take on new light when life doesn’t unfold as we hoped. Our births don’t play out anything like we prepared for. Our lives don’t play out like we had planned. Trust becomes impossible when we are gripping onto our plan as the right plan and not acknowledging Him above all.
Trust is also really easy to encourage someone to do. It is really easy for me to tell mamas to trust God with their births and their children. After all, this is the heartbeat of Surrender. We seek to birth, and parent, for God’s glory. For God’s plan, not our own.
Trust is a much harder concept to live day in and day out. It is only by God’s work in us that we are able to even have a ounce of trust.
I have been met with many opportunities to trust God in my life. Just as I think I am getting the hang of holding my plans with open hands, God reveals how tightly I am actually gripped onto my plans, my children, my births.
I like to think my plans are right. I like to think I know what is best, and having a baby who has special needs was never a part of my plan. That doesn’t fit into my life and all I had hoped for, for myself and my kids.
“do not lean on your own understanding.”
Sometimes, life doesn’t play out according to my plan. I am reminded that the point of my life is to acknowledge Him. It is not to have a comfortable life. It is not to live a life seeking my own plans. I am to acknowledge Him in all my ways, and He will make my path straight.
I can acknowledge Him in the good and I can acknowledge Him in the bad. He will work trials and suffering out for my good and His glory. Sometimes my good is revealing to my heart how much I cling to earthly things. How much I desire things above Him.
God is faithful. He can be trusted in the good and in the bad.
There is a FREE iPhone lock screen and printable or you below to help you memorize this verse!