Providing Courage in Fear: Casey

This is a story of a strong mama birthing her fourth baby in her second homebirth. During her first homebirth, her baby boy got stuck with shoulder dystocia, so she had to battle many fears going into this birth and place her hope in God. Abby was able to attend this birth as a friend […]

Courage in our Greatest Fear: Betsy

I pushed on my knees for about 20 minutes, slow and gentle, the birth team behind me, my husband with ice water and a washcloth at my head, an old quilt on the floor. I let his head come nice and slow, one little push at at a time. No fear! Power, love, and a sound mind!

Giver of Strength: Abby

This birth testimony is Abby’s story with her third child.   My pregnancy with Selah was one of the most difficult things I have been through, both physically and mentally. The Lord challenged me, taught me, and guided me so much in the months leading up to her birth, and her birth story is no different. […]

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