
2 Timothy 1:7 Control. We all want it, right? I think Satan likes to sugar coat this idol with terms like “planning” or “preparing.” I think Satan wants us to believe that living in fear is a normal place to live. It is okay. It is natural. Control increases fear; fear increases control. I seek […]

Giver of Strength: Abby

This birth testimony is Abby’s story with her third child.   My pregnancy with Selah was one of the most difficult things I have been through, both physically and mentally. The Lord challenged me, taught me, and guided me so much in the months leading up to her birth, and her birth story is no different. […]

Surrendering Your Family Size {How Many Is Too Many?}

I have yet to find anywhere in Scripture that says that children are a curse or a burden. I will say however, that having two young children is a lot of work and responsibility. Some days I go to bed in tears and exhausted. This is not because I shouldn’t of had them, but rather it is because I am trying to parent them by my strength and not the Lord’s strength.

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