Katie’s Birth Testimony
So, where to begin? Birth plans. Oh yes, a written birth plan is wonderful. But God’s plans are more powerful. Nothing really went according to my written birth plan, but what was important to me was that I tried. I fought tooth and nail to have my baby the way I wanted. Then it didn’t happen. Maybe in an earlier day before medical interventions, my baby or I might’ve suffered in more ways than I care to fathom. God had Iris’s birth happen in a different way. I’m glad I was in a hospital with skilled medical professionals. I’m thankful the outcome was healthy baby, healthy mama. This doesn’t mean there wasn’t pain, there wasn’t sorrow, there wasn’t disappointment.
When Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden, God told Eve childbirth would be painful. Oh, but there is knowledge. And life. Miraculous, wonderful life.
Birth Story of Iris
I was so happy once she was home and healthy. It was rough. The induction gels sent me in to labor that first night. They sent me home to try to eat and sleep, and John and I timed contractions 3.5 minutes apart, lasting 30 seconds. I was already hurting with those! We went back to the hospital at 10:30pm, had the epidural, had it redosed twice. Had water broken by doctor at 7am. Started pushing around 1-2 pm. Had to use vacuum and episiotomy. Then ended up in c-section. Baby Iris was born 10lbs 4oz; they said her shoulders would’ve been too big. Recovery felt long, but we eventually got in the swing of things. We had lots of help from grandparents and dad.
(Looking back now, writing this testimony with my story, my father and father in law prayed and blessed me and Iris with oil and laying on of hands in the NICU. That was a turning point! Immediately there was comfort and healing. And bonding. Bonding we so dearly needed, as mother and daughter.)
Breast feeding got a little better during day, but I was also pumping. In her first week, Iris was away in nursery level 2 for watching the hematomas on her head (she had 3 problem spots: two “horns” and one subgaleal bleed). She also had a little bit of drop in oxygen. They found a small VSD (ventricular septal defect) in her heart too. Then the night before Thanksgiving, she had biliary emesis, which made them transfer her to Phoenix Children’s Hospital NICU. Her dad went with her that night, and I stayed until discharged in the morning. That was tough. But at the NICU they only monitored her, and she was ok! They said she was a pretty healthy newborn!
Talk about a good Thanksgiving, and we went home Friday afternoon! I had to gain confidence back that I was good at child care and I could trust my instincts. It was hard and seemed like some things didn’t come as naturally as I hoped. But we were both healthy and happy!
I am still fearful for a second child, but want one. I want Iris to have a sibling. But I know the spirit of fear does not come from the Lord, and children are a gift from God. However he sends them to the world is his design. I just pray to stay close to him and have my family walk in His ways and Spirit. Iris is now 18 months old and has been dedicated to the Lord. I am grateful for each day with her.