Amy has been an encouragement and prayer warrior for me (Abby). It has been a joy to see, from different parts of the States, Jesus work in her life as a doula and a mama. We are honored to read and share this sweet story of Christ providing endurance during her most recent birth.
Amy’s Testimony
It is an honor and a privilege to be able to share how God redeemed my last labor and then the birth of our seventh baby.
I found out I was pregnant on April Fool’s Day, 2013. I had been experiencing some negative health issues and my family doctor ordered a CT scan to be done. After leaving his office, the thought crossed my mind, “I wonder why he didn’t ask if I was pregnant?” I reassured myself there was absolutely no way. We were, in fact, trying to avoid pregnancy, but I thought I should grab a couple of pregnancy tests while I was out just to be sure.
Much to my shock, three tests came back positive. I was sick to my stomach; I was fearful, though I knew this was a blessing from Him. I knew how foolish I was to underestimate the power of God.
I should probably explain my fears, fears only few knew. My previous pregnancy was a bit traumatic. As we celebrated our first successful VBAC, I also began to struggle with a postpartum hemorrhage. I lost enough blood to require a blood transfusion. I didn’t want that as part of Mosley’s birth story, so I vainly ignored it. Following her birth, my prayers often consisted of my cry to the Lord to “heal my womb or close it.”
After accepting that the Lord didn’t close my womb and that He is great at healing people, I began to get excited about this new life growing inside of me.
During the last month of my pregnancy, I saw a reference on Facebook to a book that was said to be wonderful for expecting mothers: Redeeming Childbirth by Angie Tolpin. After looking at her website, I knew this was the Lord’s doing. What a blessing the Redeeming Childbirth ministry was (and continues to be)!
On the morning of November 13, I woke up with a horrible headache. After lunch it still lingered so I took some Tylenol. I had a hair appointment and my sweet stylist offered me a Pepsi; I figured the caffeine might help kick the headache, but it didn’t.
I called my OB and midwives’ office and they had me come in. After assessing me, my very conservative doctor wanted me to be induced due to pre-eclampsia, something I never struggled with before.
After making sure our other children were settled, we grabbed a bite to eat before checking into labor and delivery. I had a sweet nurse who had just finished her midwifery school. One of my favorite midwives was on call, along with my favorite OB. When Dr. Guy came in to break my water, he prayed over us and for our sweet daughter.
My labor was heavy and intense, but the contractions were nothing compared to the battle of fear I was experiencing. Satan wanted me to take my focus off of the healing of my womb and give in to fear. The Lord is Mightier!
God reminded me that “He does not give us a spirit of fear but of power and of LOVE and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). “There is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear” (1 John 4:18). How great His love is for His children!
As I labored on, I listened to some music to try and relax. The song that God used to break me was “You Slay Me” (featuring John Piper) by Shane and Shane. How could I not rejoice in His work in me?!
Shortly after laboring in the tub, Dr. Guy came in and told me I could push. The lights were dim; he sat at my side while my husband held my hand. After a couple pushes, Dr. Guy gently told me to reach down and grab my baby. I pulled her to my chest praising the Lord: “Thank you, Jesus! THANK YOU, JESUS!”
In the early morning of November 14, He blessed us with a beautiful daughter, Ruth (after my great-grandma) Jubilee (praising Him for bring me through such fear and into celebration). Before Dr. Guy left, he leaned over and prayed for our daughter again, this time in our arms.

And once again, the Lord reminded me to “Rejoice in our sufferings, knowing the suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s Love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-4