God's Faithfulness in Childbirth
Photography Doula Dianne of Arizona
Birth Center
- First time mama came face to face with the pain of labor, and God used it to challenge her and grow her trust in Him as He supplied the strength that was needed to endue what He had for her.
- Abby births her 8th baby at home after a short labor but very difficult pushing stage.
Hospital Birth
- Abby was in a car accident almost 35 weeks pregnant with her 7th baby. She broke her foot and arm and spent the remainder of her pregnancy, and weeks afterwards, in a wheel chair. Abby decided after the car accident to change her plan for another home birth, to birthing in the hospital with an epidural.
- Abby and Tim labored at home and felt like something was wrong. She tried to transfer to the hospital but they wouldn’t listen and sent her home. She then had her baby 45 minutes later at home, face presentation!
Birth Center
- God uses birth to remind us of HIS sovereignty over all things, including birth. He does this in many ways.
- This is the birth story of Abby’s 5th baby. Arrow was born at home as a HBAC (home birth after c-section) This was Abby’s 4th vaginal birth after a c-section and 3rd home birth. Abby was attended by her husband Tim, midwife Julie, friends Nikki and Melissa and Abby’s oldest (7 year old) daughter Gracelyn.
- This couple carefully considered their options and decided upon an unassisted birth after much prayer and research. They certainly didn’t expect it to go so quickly after labor kicked in!
Hospital Birth
- Lauren faces so much unknown when she goes into labor with her second baby at just 24 weeks. Find out how the Lord provided in so many ways for this birth.
- With a heart filled with repentance and gratitude, this mama surrendered to God’s will and embraced the pain of labor with a sense of calm and appreciation for the work her body was doing.
- Childbirth can be a peaceful and joyful experience when surrounded by the right support team. This mama had a supportive husband, midwife, and doula, as well as a comfortable environment, which helped her to feel at peace during the labor of her second baby.
- This is a story about Abby’s labor and delivery of her 4th baby. She woke up early in the morning with contractions and spent the morning with her kids. Her water broke in the afternoon, and her husband rushed home from work while their doulas and midwife arrived. Abby went through intense contractions and moved to the bedroom to give birth. With the strength of the Lord, she was able to give birth to her baby on her bed.
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